Anyways, we are studying the book of Job this session, and this morning's insight for me is our serious lack of fear of God. No one likes to hear that we are to "fear God" but over and over again throughout the bible we are commanded to do just that. We want this happy, loving, gentle and gracious God, but would rather dismiss the thought of His power and wrath--which is why most folks tend to dislike the Old Testament, which is full of God's wrath, but--it's also overflowing with God's generosity, love, patience, and promises.
Okay, I'm preaching--and that always gets me in trouble, but I do feel we've gotten so far removed from what it means to truly fear and revere our God. So, I'm pondering on that today. I did find this great little article if you'd like to read more about what it means to fear God:
I also did better this past week keeping up with counting God's gifts--a little awareness is all it takes, a little being present throughout the day...thankful for that as my mind is usually spinning somewhere out in the cosmos! So, here we go:
66. Abounding Hope New Hello Mornings bible study
and 67. my #YahwehSisters
68. Early morning inspiration
67. Snow walk
68. Winning a super cute Scrabble pendant of a favorite painting by a favorite artist, Marcia Furman
69. Quick appointment for hubby
and 70. with good results--praise God!
71. Red velvet pancakes at Ihop! Ridiculously YUM!!!
72. New running shoes arrived!! So cool!!
73. Car all fixed--hooray! and
74. Thankful to have Ash's car to drive in the meantime-His timing is always perfect!
75. Waking up to sixty degrees--what???
76. Morning run (it's been a while...foot pain, no fun)
77. Finally grape water flavor enhancer back at Walmart!! Can't do lemon any more...blech!!
78. Heel cushioning orthotics, foot feeling better every day
79. Bowling practice for the weekend's tournament (nice scores for my boys! Looking good!)
80. An afternoon out just for me which means:
81. New sketchbook!
82. Finding Dad's old oil set...miss him...
83. New pattern inspiration!
84. Great tournament kick off!
85. Coming home to dinner in the crock pot and not having to eat out...again...getting fat...
86. Football done at last for another year--amen!
Look for the Father’s face today. Seek Him. Search for Him. Pursue Him.
And may what you see cause you to long for the day you see Him eternally.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In God’s great mercy He has caused us to be born again into a living hope, because Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Now we hope for the blessings God has for His children. These blessings, which cannot be destroyed or be spoiled or lose their beauty are kept in heaven for you.”
1 Peter 1:3-4

You reminded me of a special personal moment when I knew I was His - Thank you.
ReplyDeletePaula (PEP)